Grails 0.5 was a huge release, and you’re bound to come across some of its many enhancements in any app you build. If you’ve installed 0.5 and you’re using it as you work through Getting Started with Grails (GSwG), there are a few new resources to assist you in that endeavor.

First up, you’ll want to grab the updated sample code for the RaceTrack application. If you’re building the application with Grails 0.5, you can now compare your progress to this sample code at any time to see exactly how the application should look at the end of each chapter.

Next, take a few minutes to have a look at the updated FAQ. The FAQ is your one-stop shop for any and all changes since the book’s original release circa Grails 0.3.1. It’s there that you’ll find answers to these questions and others…

  • Using Grails 0.5, I don’t see the index.jsp file that’s supposed to reside in racetrack/web-app/WEB-INF. Did you mean to say index.gsp instead?

  • When I run the application using Grails 0.5, I see deprecation warnings related to the optionals attribute defined in Registration.groovy. What gives?

  • Using Grails 0.4 (or higher), I can’t seem to find the that’s supposed to be in racetrack/web-app/WEB-INF. Where did it go?

  • Using Grails 0.5, why does Grails name my WAR racetrack-0.1.war instead of racetrack.war?

I hope you find these resources helpful. And, if you run into gotchas or you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a line.
